Single Parenting: One Way to Take The Edge Off

Lake in the winter with red lifesaver

This past Sunday our planned day rotated 180 degrees. Have you had one of those? Trying to get somewhere and ended up someplace else. It was early, around 7am. The snow had fallen the night before. White snow covered the road. Bundled up for winter, my child and I ventured out in our car to […]

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Single Parenting: Art, Love, & Grief Defined

Red wood lawn chair in field of lavender

Don’t you love those pieces of plain construction paper that are turned into spectacular artwork? Typically, designed with hand drawn stick figures and hearts? The words scribbled, “I love you Mom,” or “I love you Dad.” And how about the paintings with bright colored paint! Oh, the simplicity and love demonstrated in children’s artwork.  Single […]

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