Everyone has a unique story that defines who we are. By sharing our stories with others, we can then see common threads that tie us together for the common good.
~Wellness for the Single Parent
How I Became a Single Parent
Our first-born was four years old and I was pregnant with our second child when my husband announced he no longer wanted to be married.

I was two weeks away from the due date of our second child when this decision was made for me and our children.
That was the day I started my unplanned journey as a single parent. Subsequently, the journey lasted eight years.

Single parenting can be compared to walking uphill in really deep sand, taking one step forward, and sliding five steps backward.
That is to say, the uphill sand battle happens day after day, month after month, and for some of us, year after year.
Society often expects us to function like a two-parent household. However, single-parent families do not function that way. As a result, society’s viewpoint needs to change.
My Journey Continues in a Different Way
After eight years as a single parent, I remarried. What was most interesting was that my present husband never had children. As a result, he eagerly embraced the opportunity to be part of our family.
He now graciously stands by my side and by our two children as we navigate forward as a new family of four. Above all, he continues to support me in the processing of my experience and my continued healing from the single parent journey.
My continued healing…
Even though I am remarried, I still consider myself a single parent. Single parenting is part of me as I lived it for many years. That is to say, it is my story and a chapter of my life. And, as a result of that story, the experience transformed me into who I am today. Someone who is willing to speak up for injustice. Back then I never thought single parenting was going to be a portion of my life, yet it was and I came through. And so, here I am today, and on a new path to find meaning and purpose from my experience.
It took me many years to look at what I had achieved for myself and children. In other words, it was just too hard to look at the difficulty of our circumstance. At last, I recognize the accomplishment. More importantly, I acknowledge the fact there are still many single parents out there traveling the challenging path. A path that makes one wonder how much longer they can walk it.
For that alone, I would like to pass on an imaginary honorary medal to all single parents who have not been recognized for what they are accomplishing for themselves and their children!
Inspire to Lead

I share my story for those single parents who need togetherness, encouragement, and inspiration to continue their rigorous trek. Always keep in mind our individual stories vary to some degree, making us different from one another. On the other hand, we can learn from each another, as our stories have similarities and show us we are all in this together.
By making our voices heard, the public and employment sectors will gain a deeper understanding and compassion for our single parent community. We can then ensure our children will have a brighter future of opportunity with fewer obstacles.